Friday, January 29, 2010

my hand

my blog is boring.

i don't know what to write. perhaps i should just tell everyone once and for all how i hurt my hand.

i was playing the floorball ivp. and, i simply placed my right hand on the floor to shift to the left. but, my thumb just gave way and flipped backwards. it sorta turned jelly. and i was rather freaked out, cause it was the first time i experienced such an awkward situation. immediately, i raised up my right hand at the referee (who also happens to be a goalkeeper), and signalled to her that i'm in dire need of a timeout. and so, i went out and as i had no substitute, i had to continue playing after dennis taped up my hand and spammed pain relief spray on my injured area.

and so, that was the last ivp game, possibly the last of my smu career.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


i'm really tired mentally and i believe that my body is breaking down due to irregular sleeping hours.

time to hit the bed.

time to start sourcing for an internship actively.

Friday, January 22, 2010

ahead of time

and now, i shall attempt to summarise my life within this small space of my own, which i've neglected.

and from11th-18th Jan, i was real busy in participating in ivp. totally got sucked into it and felt as if my life revolved around it.I sort of neglected my academics and allowed my lethargic-ness get the better of me. missed classes. it doesn't help that my last ivp didn't end in a glorious and satisfying way. Instead, i got myself injured mysteriously (dislocated my thumb), and resulted in my team's terrible defeat due to my inability to keep properly. how sad to end your floorball career this way, without any result proud enough to speak of. maybe i should just forget about it and move on in life...

and talking about academics. i'm finding it hard to find my momentum this semester. All 4 of my profs are rather boring,maybe my EC prof a side, but yeah. difficult to concentrate and get into the mode of studying. But, i'm trying real hard now. and i'm almost 40% there, before i get ahead of my classes. i must treasure the limited undergrad life i have remaining. i don't want to end up rolling on the floor with regrets.

recently, a number of people have been asking me what i'm gonna do when i graduate (yes, cass, you included). i told them i have no idea. Loserish, i know, when i'm only like one year from graduation and will have a hefty sum of debt to clear. i hope that i can find a way out real soon. but its not going to be easy, especially after i just dropped my aspiration to have an events company after undergoing so much in my internship. right now, i only know that i want a career with prospects and good salary, preferably soft skills based, like consultation? anw, planning too much won't help. Life's too full of uncertainties.


i've scaled down my list of possible universities to 5. Austria, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. All will cost me a bomb, but i guess, anywhere in europe will kill my savings. i will just take it as a trade off for safety? haha.. i will prob be done with my exchange worksheets by this weekend. i haven't rank the 5 unis yet as i'm thinking of choosing them base on the courses they offer. but mannheim of germany has a really superb campus :D

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

first post of 2010

i realised i haven't been blogging. not even before i left for taiwan, not even after i came back from taiwan, and not even to celebrate the new year.

i'm terribly sorry for the lack of updates. the future me will suffer from a memory loss due to irregular updates. hahah..

taiwan was pretty fun. my 2nd time there, but somehow, i seemed to have forgotten what i went through over there on my 1st visit. Everything seemed like new to me, even though i know that somewhere deep inside my brain, i've vague impressions. And so, my first moments of 2010 were spent in one of the night markets of Taichung and the people there are real crazy. Just lighting up fireworks and firecrackers on the streets to welcome the new year. all in all, the trip was good as i got to spend time with my family ;)

school started for me two days after i returned to singapore. This sem seems quite relaxing with a two days week. But oh my, back to back lesson can be quite a killer when the profs are boring. Work is starting to pile up and we have reports to write and due in week 3 already! -.-

right now, i guess all my heart and soul is invested into IVP, hoping to win a medal in what seems to be my last IVP. or at least, the last time i could play with a team i could call, my own.

well, back to videos and applying for exchange! will update more on my exchange application as time goes by ok? ;)